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Silane environmentally friendly metal surface treatment and Technology Status
2016-08-04Silane environmentally friendly metal surface treatment and Technology Status

With the development of automobiles, aircraft, ships, home appliances and other industries, on the surface of metal parts corrosion-resistant, high temperature, wear, anti-oxidation, anti-fatigue, anti-radiation, electrical conductivity, magnetic, ins...

Poor adhesion of metal spray solution
2016-08-04Poor adhesion of metal spray solution

We all know that metal is a metal surface paint is not oxidized corrosion protection method. Good paint coating to maintain a continuous protective layer intact, with good, can become a corrosion inhibiting media intrusion barrier. But when we encount...

The basic principles of metal surface treatment agent to solve the adhesion of metal
2016-08-04The basic principles of metal surface treatment agent to solve the adhesion of metal

Most real fresh metal surface has a higher surface free energy (500 ~ 5000mN / m), far higher than the surface of the organic polymer material can (less than 100mN / m). This high energy surface adhesion of the coating is very advantageous, in fact, a...



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