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Different electroplating wastewater treatment agent for removal of heavy metals
2016-08-04Different electroplating wastewater treatment agent for removal of heavy metals

Electroplating is the use of chemical and electrochemical methods in metal or other material deposited on the surface of various metals. Electroplating wastewater mainly from floor cleaning water, drop, leakage, seepage plating solution and bring out ...

Environmentally friendly metal surface pre-treatment and the type of technology trends
2016-08-04Environmentally friendly metal surface pre-treatment and the type of technology trends

All along, the portion of the workpiece to corrosion of household electrical appliances if a higher demand, the relatively common solution before the metal coating treatment process using a chemical and electrochemical phosphate chemical conversion co...

New metal film treatment agent market impact of traditional phosphate solution
2016-08-04New metal film treatment agent market impact of traditional phosphate solution

Recently, the company Hefei Huaqing metal surface treatment Co., after years of research to develop a new alternative phosphate products - metal surface micro-nano-ceramic composite membrane treatment agent passed the experts. The product is designed ...



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