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Tips on the management and use of cutting (grinding) liquid

Hits:Updated:2020-09-03 18:09:11【Print】

1. Storage
1.1 Do not place directly in the open environment, and should be stored indoors,
1.2 Tighten the sealing cap to keep the barrel sealed;
1.3 Do a good job of warehousing registration, first come first use.
Second, the choice of cutting (grinding) cutting fluid
According to different processing difficulties, different cutting (grinding) fluids are selected for processing materials.
3. Dilution water quality
At present, the cutting (grinding) liquid in the formula system is selected according to the national standard tap water standard to choose the diluted working liquid (the use of surface water is strictly prohibited
To dilute the working fluid).
Four, PH value
4.1 The pH value of the working fluid for ferrous metals and cast iron should be controlled between 9.2-9.5
4.2 The PH value of non-ferrous metals should be controlled between 8.8- -9.1
4.3 When the pH value is too low, bacteria are easy to multiply, cause the corruption of the working fluid, and lead to the rust prevention and lubrication of the cutting fluid.
Target destruction.


5. Working fluid concentration management
The concentration of cutting (grinding) cutting fluid is generally strictly in accordance with the concentration recommended by the manufacturer.
Six, miscellaneous oil management
In order to maintain and extend the stability of the working fluid (PH value) and the purpose of long-term circulation, the hydraulic oil and guide due to the machine tool should be removed regularly.
Rail oil, gear oil leakage or miscellaneous oil from the lubrication system.
Seven, short-term storage management after workpiece processing
After being processed, the workpiece should be dried immediately and placed on the inclined work frame, which will help the rust preventive agent to cover the metal surface to prevent rust.
It is strictly forbidden to store workpieces with water stains (working fluid) in stacks.
8. Uncertain reasons
If you encounter an indeterminate problem, you should notify the factory immediately, and the factory will send professionals to solve the problem within 24 hours.


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